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Basic information about Japan

Japanese flag

Japan is an island nation in East-Asia located in pacific ocean.

Japanese call it as "Nihon" or "Nippon".

Surprisingly, there are 6852 islands, including 5 main islands known as "Hokkaido", "Honshu", "Shikoku", "Kyushu", and "Ryukyu (Okinawa)".

Official language is Japanese.

Except for airports and expensive hotels, you would not come across with Japanese who speak articulate english. So, language barrier can be pretty intense. Oops.

If you are not a Japanese speaker, try to make a conversation with simple words. Not sentences.

Capital is Tokyo.

and population is approximately 127,187,000 but expected fall rapidly in near future.

Food in Japan can be tricky?

For some people, it might be.

This is because not many restaurants in Japan do not provide english food menu. At some chain restaurants, menu with picture should be available and you could guess briefly what kind of ingredients are contained.

Transportation is punctual.

Except for injury or death on train line, bases and trains are very punctual and cheap.


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